Components and Services within the Kubernetes Cluster

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The heart of Condense lies within the Kubernetes cluster, where various services collaborate to process data:


This versatile web server acts as the network traffic controller for Condense.

  • Manages API access for user interaction with Condense.

  • Handles device communication protocols like TCP/IP and MQTT(s).

  • Configures ingress resources and port mappings for API access and device data ingestion.

  • Facilitates TLS termination for secure communication.


Condense leverages a Redis cluster for data caching and performance optimization.

  • Stores metering data for various dimensions used in consumption-based billing.

  • Manages authentication tokens used by Condense services for API interactions.

  • Acts as a checkpointing mechanism for user-configured pipelines, storing sequence information, metadata, and real-time data like throughput and status.

  • Stores asset ping information displayed on the Condense dashboard.

Also read our article on Redis - Harnessing the Power of In-Memory Data Storage here:


Condense employs Kafka as a message queue, serving as the backbone for data communication between services after transformations.

  • Kafka brokers and Zookeeper run within the cluster, ensuring fault tolerance and data integrity.

  • Operates as a one-way queue, facilitating data progression through various transformation stages.

  • Event-driven auto scalers automatically adjust consumer group offsets to maintain optimal performance and prevent lag.

  • Kafka version upgrades are managed by Condense with user consent for seamless adoption of new features and security patches.

Last updated